Nellie James is a member of the Downtown Dundas BIA. Rich with history, downtown Dundas is a pleasure to experience. We are proud supporters of our local Dundas and area community. We source our fresh ingredients from local farmers, suppliers, and organic growers, including:
- Fenwood Farm (Carol)
- Jepson’s Meats (Ron)
- Koike Farm (Yuki)
- Waterhall Farm (John and Jill)
- Second Wind Elk Farm (John)
- Wagyu Sekai (Ken)
- Dave’s Fish Market (Dave)
- Soldaat’s Poultry (Jeff)
- Market Fresh Produce (Jim)
- ManoRun Farm (Chris and Denise)
Charity Events & Fundraisers
We relish the opportunity to contribute our energy and talents to the benefit of many local charities and fundraisers. A small sampling of these events includes:
- Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton, “Grape Expectations”
- Dundas Little Theatre, “Bread and Raised in Hamilton”
- Hamilton & Region Arts Council, “Class & Trash”
- Hamilton Winterfest
- Neighbour to Neighbour Food Bank
- Rotary Club of Ancaster, “Autumn Stroll”
- Steeped for the Cure, “Tea for Two”
- Theatre Aquarius “Vine Dining”
- Burlington Rotary Club “Lakeside A La Carte”